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Run all Airmail rules

October 26, 2017  |  tools, os-x, programming

I currently use Airmail as my Mac (and iOS) mail client. With many email accounts I found that Airmail fits my needs OK. And I have created a large number of rules that is automatically performed on new emails in my inbox. However, for different reasons I would sometimes like to perform all my rules manually. As far as I know this is not possible in the Mac version of Airmail. So I had to implement it myself using AppleScript. You can find the program below. A few things you should be aware of: (i) This program do not open the Airmail application (I expect Airmail to be in use on your Mac). (ii) The program needs to be able to control your computer (see System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Accessibility). (iii) I have tried to make it robust, but no guarantees. It could mess up.

I suggest to save this code as the application RunAllAirmailRules.app in the Applications folder of your home directory (choose File Format → Application in the save dialog in Script Editor). Enjoy.

-- An Airmail 3 application
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Airmail 3"
set frontmost to true

-- Activate (and open) "Rules" window of Airmail 3
set rules to windows where title contains "Rules"
if rules is {} then
click menu item "Rules" of menu "Window" of menu bar 1
delay 1
set rules to windows where title contains "Rules"
end if
if rules is not {} then
perform action "AXRaise" of item 1 of rules

-- Traverese all rules
set all_rules to rows of table 1 of scroll area 1 of item 1 of rules
repeat with rule in all_rules

-- Select rule and go to preview of the rule
set the value of attribute "AXSelected" of rule to true
set enabled_rule to the value of checkbox "Enable" of item 1 of rules as boolean
if enabled_rule then
click button "Preview" of item 1 of rules

-- Click "Apply to ..." button
set btn_ok to false
repeat while not btn_ok
set btn to button "Apply to previous messages" of sheet 1 of window "Rules"
if enabled of btn then
set btn_ok to true
end if
on error msg
delay 0.1
set btn_ok to false
end try
end repeat
click btn

-- Click "Close" button
set btn_ok to false
repeat while not btn_ok
set btn to button "Close" of sheet 1 of window "Rules"
if enabled of btn then
set btn_ok to true
end if
on error msg
delay 0.1
set btn_ok to false
end try
end repeat
click btn

end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
Last updated: October 26, 2017