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Blog filters

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You can filter the blog posts using tags, years, and search strings. For example, the url filter/tag:macos/year:2020 will return posts from 2020 tagged with the tag macos. You can search for multiple tags by separating each tag with a colon. To search for any posts tagged with web or tools you use this url: filter/tag:web:tools. To search for blog posts with the tags web and tools, you use this url: filter/tag:web/tag:tools.

The general rule is that in a single filter term (e.g. tag, year or search) at least one of the values seperated by colon has to be present (an or-expression), and with separate filter terms all terms sperated by '/' have to match (an and-expression).


Currently the following tags can be used in a tag filter: - | blog | crypto | fonts | latex | macos | os-x | programming | publ | python | security | software | tools | web (“-” can be used to match posts with no tags).


Year supports a single year or a span of years. Blog posts between from 2015 until 2017 can be fetched with this filter: filter/year:2015-2017. Blog post from 2017 and earlier can be fetched with this filer: filter/year:-2017. Blog posts from 2019 and later can be fetched with this filter: filter/year:2019-.


Search supports search for alphanumeric text string in title and text of blog posts. To fetch all blog posts with Python in title or text use this filter: filter/search:python. To fetch all blog posts with Python or Qt in title or text use this filter: filter/search:python:qt. To fetch all blog posts with Python and Qt in title or text use this filter: filter/search:python/search:qt.
