Comet (and Bayeux)
February 18, 2008
| web, software
| not published
This is were Comet could help us. At CometDaily you will find a lot of information on Comet. Joe Walker's has written a nice overview on Comet terms. Jacob Rus has written a nice article on how comet can be implemented today. He explains and discuss the different approaches. In my case one of the long-polling solutions (XHR long-polling or script tag long-polling) will most likely be used. Today the client sides of my game poll the server at given time-intervals for updates. To make the games more interactive Comet will help us, and one of the long-polling techniques are both reasonable cross-browser compatible and they are not to complex to implement on the server side in your favorite web-server/application-server solution.
However, the future of Comet can not rely on the current implementation hacks. If Comet is going to be widely used, an efficient cross-browser and cross-platform solution is needed. So we need both an efficient way to implement Comet and a standard way of doing it. You can follow an interesting discussion on this at Comet Daily, too (based on the Bayeux protocol draft).